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Listener Poet Session and Custom Poem

Talk one-on-one with a Listener Poet about whatever you’d like, then receive a custom reflective poem based on the conversation.

You’ll receive a gift certificate by email with the sign-up information shortly after your payment has been processed. Please keep in mind that gift session pricing is only available to individuals and does not apply to larger group engagements.

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I can’t even express how meaningful this poem is to me!

As soon as I read the title I knew that you ‘got’ what I was trying to convey, and the actual poem expressed my experiences in a way I haven’t been able to.

It feels therapeutic, it feels like a weight lifted, it feels like being wholly seen and held.
— Palliative Care Physician

How a Listener Poet Session Works:


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If you have a question, or if you would like to support good listening in your healthcare community, we’d love to hear from you.