The image shown is the cover of TGLP's KNN Learner Network Poetry Anthology and contains a dark blue background with white text.
This book contains poems and stories, written by Listener Poets from The Good Listening Project, for members of the KNN Learner Network. The Kern National Network for Flourishing in Medicine (KNN) is a national movement focused on integrating four foundational elements within the profession of medicine: character, caring, practical wisdom and flourishing. They advance this work by connecting and convening stakeholders across the health ecosystem, catalyzing transformative initiatives, and influencing policy and systems change.
Ranging from medical students to residents and fellows, the KNN Learner Network is composed of creators, innovators and change agents working to advance flourishing at the local level by integrating concepts from the KNN Framework for Flourishing. To learn more, please visit
She wanted to help people feel comfortable and transform the shame around colon issues. "I want to talk about things that matter, the things people don't want to discuss.
When we met, she was coming off a stretch of nine 14-hour shifts. She was tired but in good spirits.