D'ete Blackshire

Certified Listener Poet,
Cohort 3 Summer 2022

D'ete Blackshire is a facilitator and artist with a calling to create healing spaces that offer opportunities for transmuting struggle into seeds of hope. Her method involves radical self and relational exploration through inquiry and action, with a tender eye on collective vulnerabilities. 

Guided by a spirit-centered approach, she focuses on the human experience and transformative power of interdependence, emergent leadership, and wisdom lineages. She believes that the artistry of change works in the intersection of these spheres.

D'ete holds degrees from CSUN in religious studies & linguistics. She is a certified Somatic Experience yoga teacher and initiated P'aqo, a wisdom keeper of the Incan Q'ero tribe of the Andes. 

She serves as the communication specialist and as a Listener Poet at TGLP.