Digging In

“Digging In,” a poem by Jenny Hegland

“Life is complex and dirty, but digging in is important to me,” she said.

“Maybe if more of us understood history, we could understand each other better.”

This mom, daughter, wife, and physician recently lost her father. “I’m learning how much I’m like him,” she said. “And it’s inspiring me to continue quietly fighting racial injustices, the same way he did.”

When we spoke, she shared how grateful she was to have the ability to reflect so deeply on her own life, and to be inspired and comforted by seeing so much of her father in herself.

Her father’s legacy left a deep imprint and resulting commitment to be true to who she is, even amidst strong pressures to fit in. “I hope my kids will learn this someday, too…and come to know who they are.”

Listener Poet Jenny Hegland
American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine

January 2023

Digging In


Dad was an ornery man 

Nothing ordinary about him 

Youngest of seven children 

Librarian, classical musician

Always drawing attention 

Despite our best efforts 

To blend and belong 

Hummed to his own tune 

An entire lifetime 

Quietly fighting 

When I think of the Queen  

I think of my father 

Only four when he was forced

To leave home, Pakistan, partition 

Journey by foot 

Camels and horses, alongside

Singing, bringing joy 

Being who he was 

An entire lifetime 

Quietly fighting 

Everyone wants to belong 

Our struggles are not the same

Young Brown daughter from the hood

He was my first example  

He was a fierce example 

Always standing up, standing out

Shock to my system 

His mannerisms within me 

Inspiring, an entire lifetime

Quietly fighting 

No pleasing for pleasing sake

Respect for all the ways 

One can fight for what’s right

One can stand their ground 

One can keep digging 

Resist the makeshift mold 

Depth, freedom, light 

No need to be all of anything

Dig in 

Know, be who you are